
Yes peoples, going on tonight at the City of Ink Tattoo shop… “ENOUGH IZ ENOUGH”, artists against police brutality. If you scanned through our blog, you we see some articles about Police Brutality. I think I hated cops since I was young. Not because of these situations but  because I couldn’t understand why a man would have authority over another man(women included) on any land! HAAAA! That rhymed! That’s just how i pictured it. As I grew older, I started to have my own run in with the cops. A lot of those experiences was unnecessery and damn near demeaning but lets just say… that may be the only grudge I hold. HAAAA! The first month of the year have shown us that not much have changed with the death of  Oscar Grant and another brother in New Orleans both shot in the back and not brandishing a weapon. It’s all bullshit and until we do something about it…. it will continue. Us as artist have the ability to help the communities voices be heard as well as strike a nerve on political levels. So with this show right here… we are looking to stir up some feelings and express some pain and disgust. Come on out this evening and get inspired. The next time it can be anyone of us. Oh, lets not forget that this is a free show. BLAMMMMMMMMM!!!!